

Sociedad: Agrupación natural o pactada de personas, que constituyen unidad distinta de cada uno de sus individuos, con el fin de cumplir, mediante la mutua cooperación, todos o alguno de los fines de la vida.

Refractaria: 1. adj. Dicho de una persona: Que rehúsa cumplir una promesa u obligación. 2. adj. Opuesto, rebelde a aceptar una idea, opinión o costumbre. 3. adj. Dicho de un material: Que resiste la acción del fuego sin alterarse.

sábado, 11 de abril de 2015

La Salud de Mumia

La SCR esta preocupada por la salud de Mumia. Estamos atentos y alertas. Responsabilizamos a al estado yanki y a todo su aparato represor por el deterioro de la salud de Mumia. ¡Exigimos la inmediata libertad de Mumia!

Ayer Fue la marcha protestando por la salud de Mumia:

For three months U.S. political prisoner Mumia Abu Jamal showed signs of diabetes. He was examined by prison doctors multiple times with blood drawn three times in February alone, yet the diabetes was not diagnosed until he was taken to an outside hospital after fainting in the prison with blood sugar near diabetic coma levels. After a couple of days, he was sent back to the care in the same prison that put him at death’s door.

This is a call for all concerned people to join in urging that the Department of Justice intervene in this crisis situation facing Mumia Abu-Jamal and his family. He may be facing an immediate challenge of life or death.

The DC Day of Action for MumiaI is part of the broader Nationa Day of Action for Mumia.

We will gather first in Freedom Plaza at noon, then march to rally in front of the U.S. Justice Department, 950 Pennsylvania Ave NW.

Keep making the phone calls urging the below named indidual permit Mumia's family and friends to appoint the team of medical specialist. Please call in reference to Mumia’s legal name, “Wesley Cook:”

Richard Ellers
Director, PA Department of Corrections Health Care Services
(717) 728-5311

John Wetzel
Secretary, PA Department of Corrections
(717) 728-4109

SCI Mahanoy
Superindendent John Kerestes
(570) 773-2158

Mumia Abu-Jamal Needs Medical Care NOW!

¡Libertad a Mumia!
¡Abajo las carceles!

Comisión por la libertad de presos políticos SCR

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